Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Double the trouble part 2

Recently I've started watching Awkward. It's a nice series to watch while I'm waiting for the next episode of New Girl to come out. In short: It's about this Girl Jenna who becomes really interesting to her schoolmates after she had an accident which people mistake for a suicide attempt. But actually this is only what the first few episodes are about. After that the show focuses on Jenna's relationship with the popular armpit-sniffer Matty mcKibben. Anyway, she has this really awkward guidance counselor which she has to see and before I looked up the show I was convinced that she was played by Samantha Who's Christina Applegate. The resemblance is striking!

                          Left: Christina Applegate              Right: Desi Lydic (counselor on Awkward.)

Anyway, you should check this show out it's really funny and entertaining. Plus the episodes are only twenty minutes long, so you'll go through the seasons really fast!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bands I listen to: Ewert and the two Dragons

When I was visiting Estonia in May I saw posters announcing a concert of Ewert and the two Dragons. They looked cool. "Are they good?", I asked my hostsister. "I think you would like them", she answered. Later on she let me listen their song "Good Man Down" on youtube. Yes, I liked them. I liked them so much, I brought their cd back with me to Holland.

Then I discovered that they would perform on some free festivals in Holland. Sadly enough I wouldn't be able to make it to any of those because I had to be at places on those dates. A few days ago they announced that they would do some more shows in The Netherlands in November. I was so happy! Today I bought my tickets to see them in Utrecht on November 24th. I can't wait!

I always wonder if this song is a response to Jolene by Dolly Parton.

Ewert and the two dragons will be performing at:

Festival De Affaire, Nijmegen, July 14th
Lowlands, Biddinghuizen, August 19th
Noorderzon festival, Groningen, August 21st
Effenaar, Eindhoven, November 18th
Ekko, Utrecht, November 24th
Merleyn, Nijmegen, November 25th
Paradiso, Amsterdam, November 27th
Rotown, Rotterdam, November 28th
Asteriks, Leeuwarden, November 30th

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I just sumbled upon the PERFECT boots in the H&M sale.

They are exactly the kind of boots I wanted and sadly enough they only go 'till size 40. So my size 41 feet won't fit into them. SUCK.  (Btw, they were from the Girl With The Drago Tattoo collection)

I googled a bit on leather boots and although those are quite okay I can't find a pair as perfect as the above.
Anyone know a store where they sell boots like this?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Books I like, books I love: Divergent

Do you know that empty feeling you can have after you finished a book you really liked? If you're lucky the book is one of a series and you can run to the library to get the second part. But what if you have finished the whole series? After I had finished reading the The Hunger Games trilogy I had that sad feeling and the best way to get over it is find another great series to read. That isn't as easy as it sounds though. Since I'm not the kind of girl for whom a simple love-triangle is enough the YAL-genre often disappoints me (anyone tried the Hush Hush series? Man those sucked!). I want to read a good story too. So it took a while till I found a new series that I'm psyched about.  Now that I've found it I would like to share it with you guys (whoever you are): It's the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth.
Divergent #1 - Insurgent #2- Detergent #3 (joke of the author)

Since I'm too lazy to write a summary myself I'll just give you the one Veronica Roth posted on her own blog:

In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is.

Of course the books has its flaws: Veronica Roth is not an amazing writer; her sentences are very short and plain and especially in the beginning this annoyed me a bit. Still, I liked it very much. I stayed up till 1.30 a.m. to finish the book. I didn't want to put it away and go to sleep. This only happens when I really like a book. I wish I could start reading Insurgent right now, but the library doesn't have it yet. Sad panda.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Places to Visit #1

I'm back. Back to blogging I mean. I've been back from my trip to Nepal (awesome) and India (meh) since about three months now. Today I was making holiday plans and Facebook spamming one of my friends with all of the cool places I still wanted to visit. I've decided to give my friend some rest and post the newest addition to my I Freaking NEED to go there! - list here. 

The Blue Lagoon spa in Iceland. The pictures will explain it all.

It's not a natural spring. If you want to read what it is exactly then go here.
Admission is 35 - 40 euros, depending on when you visit.