Friday, April 29, 2011

Microsoft's lack of music taste

Somehow the Word spellingchecker does know Debussy and Mozart, yet Bach, Chopin and AlbĂ©niz are seen as typos. Seriously Microsoft, expand your music knowledge!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Oops, I got a career

A few days ago the movie "I Could Never Be Your Woman", starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Paul Rudd, was on tv. I loved it. I want to be the kind of mom Michelle Pfeiffer played (she was basically still acting like a child) and I want a daughter like Izzie (Saoirse Ronan). Seriously, she (Izzie) was hilarious! I have been playing these two fragments ever since. Seriously I LOVE the lyrics she made up! My friends arre getting tired of me singing "Oops, I got a career" already.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jerk it out

The second video of our spectacularly epic concert. Turn up the volume a bit the sound is not very loud. I apologize for the weird colours, I had a little too much fun with the effects on windows live movie maker. The song is Jerk it Out by The Caears. For this performance I borrowed my friend's guitar (it's the same one Imogen Heap has! Omygaaaaaaaaaawd!) to play on and let me tell you, keytars look cool but they aren't comfortable to play on!

Imogen rockin' out on the keytar!
For a review of her concert I saw in November click here

Thursday, April 7, 2011


A while ago I bought one of those baseball jackets at New Look. A pink one, because everyone is wearing red and blue already. And then I noticed the spelling mistake on it. I find it quite amusing. I just hope that the manufacturer of this jackets won't make a career-switch and decide to become a tattoo artist. Because having a misspelled tattoo must really suck ("He asked for a thirteen but they drew a thirty-one" The Offspring, anyone?).